Alpha Falcon B-Spec .21 3P Pre Break in Engine only
Alpha Falcon Engine B-Spec: A New Level of Performance
The past 12 months since the launch of the Alpha Falcon Engine has been nothing short of phenomenal. Our team drivers and customers worldwide have showcased its excellence at the highest level. From Ryan Lutz consistently claiming podium finishes across the USA, to Neil Cragg’s 3rd-place finish at the UK Nationals, and Thomas Musso’s impressive performance in the A-Main at the renowned Montpellier GP, the results speak for themselves.
Behind the scenes, our engineers have worked relentlessly to elevate an already outstanding product. The result? The B-Spec Alpha Falcon Engine.
Why "B"?
“B” as in the second version—but also ‘B’ for better. With this new version, you can expect enhanced power and improved fuel efficiency while maintaining the same exceptional quality and linear feel that drivers trust. Whether you’re pulling the trigger or pushing the stick, the B-Spec delivers everything you need for peak performance.
A fresh, sharp head logo adds a bold new look, ensuring your engine stands out whether it’s in a buggy or a truck. For optimal performance, we continue to recommend the Alpha 2159 pipe, with combo sets also available for convenience.
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