Alpha FALCON .21 3P-Pre Break-in Engine
The FALCON 隼 is a pre broken-in, 3-port 3.5cc engine engineered to meet the highest specifications of our expert team. With its easy-to-tune design, this engine is race-ready within just 2-4 tanks, thanks to the pre broken-in advantages right out of the box. Unleash the full potential of your racing experience and switch to an exciting new level of performance with the FALCON 隼 engine.
Displacement:3.49cc Bore:16.26mm Stroke:16.8mm Practical R.P.M.:4000~41000rpm Power Output:2.860PS/39500rpm Weight:about360g Ports:3ports Sleeve:ABC Crankshaft Diam:14mm diameter Crankshaft:Anti-friction Crankshaft with Silicon Filled Glow Plug Type:Turbo Exhaust:Rear Carburetor Diam:8.0mm Case Material:Aluminum Carburetor:3 Needles |
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